In early August 2023, a series of devastating wildfires broke out in Hawaii, primarily on the island of Maui. These wind-driven wildfires led to extensive evacuations and widespread destruction, particularly in the town of Lahaina, Hawaii. As a result of these fires, at least 115 people lost their lives, and over 1,000 others were reported missing.
For detailed information about the Maui wildfires, including their causes, impact, and response efforts, you can refer to the Wikipedia page on the 2023 Hawaii wildfires.
Additionally, if you are interested in visualizing the extent of the damage caused by these wildfires, you can explore maps and satellite images provided by The New York Times in their article titled Mapping the Damage From the Maui Wildfires. These maps offer insights into where the fires burned and their overall impact on Maui.
#mauiwildfire #oprahwinfrey #therock