living in hawaii in my 20's (maui snorkeling & beach lifestyle)

living in hawaii in my 20's (maui snorkeling & beach lifestyle)

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Publish Date:
June 10, 2023
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My husband and I have (temporarily) moved to maui, hawaii as it has always been something we really wanted to do. We absolutely love living in hawaii, this place is so special to us for so many reasons and we felt a huge calling to come here.

While we won't be here forever, im so grateful to be here and share this chapter of my life in hawaii. I'll be sharing some beach days, amazing snorkeling, routines, and much more :)

*its important to note that if you visit hawaii, please respect the sealife - dont ever touch turtles/seals nor coral...wear mineral-based sunscreen only, dont litter, and try to shop/eat local while here 🤙🏻

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