Hawaii isn’t all beaches and surfing. It has some of the most unique landscapes in the world.

Hawaii isn’t all beaches and surfing. It has some of the most unique landscapes in the world.

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Oahu, and North Shore, Hawaii (November 2021)

If you look at Oahu from above, you can see the central massif and many small volcanic craters around. If everything is clear with craters, then where did the ridge come from? And so wonderful, with sheer, vertical folds! And all because it's not an array ... It's half a crater! Half of a giant crater. The island is formed thanks to the "hot food" on the plate under water. There, lava is consumed, the earth rises, and an island is obtained. Which will sink a few million years ago when this hot spot goes far enough.

Volcanoes and lava are full of iron, from this earth it has a red tint here. In such a land, pineapples are very well explained. This is where the Dole company, the current festival around the world, came from. In the 1950s, she read from a fruit stand, and now it is already fields, not only pineapples, but also avocados, cocoa, lemons, limes ...

On the plantations you can ride on a narrow gauge railway, where there is a history of plantations and what is grown where. Upon returning, you can overeat pineapples, which are surprisingly tender on the islands and from which your mouth does not sting later.

The northern coast of Oahu is less populated, but there are fans of surfing on big waves, which are here on average 7 meters in winter, and in the peak season - up to 15-30 meters. We were in the off season, so we didn’t manage to see such giants, but there were still surfers. On Oahu, the most famous beach is the Pipeline, which is so called because the waves on it fold into a tube, and it is considered the most chic to ride inside.

On the north coast, you can also see turtles resting on the sand. But we weren't lucky with that. But we went to look for the beach where they filmed Lost. The exact geoposition was not found, only the name was received, but it is long on the map, and it is not clear where exactly. Then we arrived at a village. I quickly realized that this was not the right beach, but it turned out to be a lucky find. There is no one, shadows, soft waves going through the frozen lava. And only a couple of investigators behind us. As always, the most memorable places are those found by chance.

Having reached almost to the tip of the islands, we nevertheless found the same beach from Lost. After the removal, there were even debris for some time, but after so many years everything was already removed. Another filming location is also on Oahu, at Kualoa Ranch. A lot of films were filmed there, the most famous being Jurassic Park. Did we know then, watching Lost, that it could pass through filming locations, somewhere in the ocean would happen.

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