Data feed will be removed temporarily while we troubleshoot the reliability issues.
Data key available below. General data updated once every 10 minutes, wave data updated once every hour at 40 past.
Wind Direction (WDIR)
Wind Speed (WSPD)
Wind Gust (GST)
Wave Height (WVHT)
Dominant Wave Period (DPD)
Average Period (APD)
Mean Wave Direction (MWD)
Atmospheric Pressure (PRES)
Air Temperature (ATMP)
Water Temperature (WTMP)
Dew Point (DEWP)
Visibility (VIS)
Swell Height (SwH)
Swell Period (SwP)
Swell Direction (SwD)
Wind Wave Height (WWH)
Wind Wave Period (WWP)
Wind Wave Direction (WWD)
Wave Steepness (STEEPNESS)
Average Wave Period (APD)
MM = null data received
data source availabe here:
software running the cam available here:
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