Shot and directed by Yana Lahoda, Wave Below is a short documentary about a young surfer Sunny Kazama, who faces a crushing defeat in a surf competition at 11 but perseveres to practice daily since then. Through her unwavering determination, Sunny gradually grows into a sponsored surfer in one of the most competitive sports on Oahu.
Special thanks to Risa Beer and Kings Kalohelani for the invaluable knowledge as well as the Kazama family, Christopher Butler, Leigh Morrison, Jade Higa, and ‘Iolani School community for support in this production.
My name is Yana, and I’m from the small Ukrainian town of Enerhodar in the east of Ukraine. I’m studying at ‘Iolani School in Hawaii and love to act and direct films. I appreciate if you share any feedback on my work, and I’m stoked to continue improving to bring a fresh, Ukrainian perspective into American film.
Check out my first short film on this channel inspired by my experiences living far away from family during the war:
I hereby declare that I do not own the rights to this music/song. All rights belong to the owner. No Copyright Infringement intended.
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