Meet @HeatherAndLearka - the dynamic duo in real estate who have been inseparable since they officially teamed up in 2006. Their partnership has thrived across multiple platforms, from Coldwell Banker, Teles Properties, to their current position at @DouglasElliman, contributing to one of the most significant real estate mergers in the country...
Together, they have sold hundreds of millions in property, championed worthy causes, & tirelessly served communities from LA to London, & beyond. Their clientele spans across California, New York, Australia, Hawaii, the Coastal Carolinas, South Africa, and more, earning glowing recommendations worldwide. Their greatest endorsement, though? It comes from Learka’s daughter Maxine, who proudly proclaims they are “the best at houses and work” and “get houses for everyone." Testament to their unparalleled dedication & excellence in the world of real estate. 👇
Join us live this Thursday, June 15th at 9AM PST / 12PM EST as we bring you a new episode of #TheCoreTruth podcast live on YouTube, Facebook and LinkedIn.