Starliner Is Having Serious Problem Again... Not Coming Back!

Starliner Is Having Serious Problem Again... Not Coming Back!

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Boeing never seems to get it right. For years, they have been developing the Starliner spacecraft, a project that was supposed to be operational years ago. But they faced constant delays and hurdles, so much so that everyone got frustrated with them and started to believe that the spacecraft would never become fully usable. However, in 2024, they appeared very dedicated to making up for their constant delays by launching a successful crewed mission to the International Space Station. Yet again, they faced many problems. They planned to launch the crew multiple times, but issues kept cropping up, forcing them to abort the missions. Most recently, they were dealing with a helium leak. After a few days, they decided the issue was not serious, and they were able to launch the astronauts to the International Space Station despite the problem.
But now, that same problem seems to have returned to haunt them, and we are going to talk about it in this video. Before delving into the details, please make sure to subscribe to our channel for future updates about this spacecraft and many more.
Boeing's Starliner spacecraft has faced many delays and challenges since its inception. The project, which was expected to restore America’s ability to launch astronauts into space from U.S. soil, began with high hopes and a significant investment from NASA. In 2014, NASA awarded Boeing a $4.2 billion contract to develop the Starliner as part of its Commercial Crew Program. The goal was to have a reliable spacecraft ready by 2017.
The need for a new spacecraft became pressing after the retirement of the Space Shuttle program in 2011. The Space Shuttle had been the backbone of America's human spaceflight capability for three decades, but it faced significant safety concerns. The Challenger disaster in 1986 and the Columbia disaster in 2003, where both shuttles were lost along with their crews.
With the Shuttle program retired, the U.S. faced the uncomfortable reality of relying on Russian Soyuz spacecraft to transport astronauts to the International Space Station. This dependency was not only costly but also politically sensitive. It became clear that America needed to develop its own capability to launch astronauts into space again.
In response, NASA initiated the Commercial Crew Program, an ambitious effort to foster public-private partnerships to develop new spacecraft. Alongside Boeing's Starliner, SpaceX’s Dragon spacecraft was also developed as part of this initiative.
SpaceX’s Dragon spacecraft has been remarkably successful. The Dragon successfully completed its first crewed mission, Demo-2, in May 2020. This historic flight marked the first time astronauts launched from U.S. soil since the end of the Space Shuttle program.
It has become the most reliable spacecraft for ferrying astronauts to and from the international space station, completing multiple crewed missions without significant issues.
The success of SpaceX, especially, has made people question Boeing's failure to deliver a similar spacecraft, despite receiving almost double the amount of money from NASA.

However, the mission was cut short due to multiple software issues that prevented the spacecraft from reaching the International Space Station. One of the primary issues was a timer anomaly. The spacecraft's mission elapsed timer was incorrectly initialized due to a software error, causing an 11-hour discrepancy. This error prevented the thrusters from firing at the right time to reach the planned orbit, leading the spacecraft to consume more fuel than expected, which ruled out the planned docking with the space station.
Additionally, during the mission, a valve mapping error was discovered. This issue affected the thrusters in the vehicle's service module, which are responsible for performing a disposal burn after separating from the crew module before reentry. Had this error not been corrected in time, it could have caused a collision between the service module and the crew module, potentially damaging the capsule's heat shield.

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