Hawaii Mortgage Update: Rate Hike Halt, Get Strategic, and Don't Despair

Hawaii Mortgage Update: Rate Hike Halt, Get Strategic, and Don't Despair

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Publish Date:
November 2, 2023
Real Estate
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The Feds have halted the onward march towards raising rates and 2024 looks to be about seeing where we are shares Joe Eagan, Wynn and Eagan Team, on this update. Joe also shares how to be strategic with your finances to look at your credit card debt at 24% instead of mortgage rates at 7.5%.
We have a lively discussion about what to expect into 2025 and buying a home in Hawaii in the face of higher rates..hint- lower housing demand!

Looking for a strategy session with Joe (because you want to KNOW what you can afford!) send him an email at [email protected]

Julie and Eric Ziemelis are the 365Hawaii Group of Real Broker, LLC.In this episode of the Big Island Real Estate Minute we discuss

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