HARPTA and FIRPTA in Hawaii Real Estate (Inside Hawaii Real Estate)

HARPTA and FIRPTA in Hawaii Real Estate (Inside Hawaii Real Estate)

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Tax Implication for Mainland/Foreign Owners. The host for this show is Will Tanaka. The guest is Brad Konishi.

Host Will Tanaka welcomes special guest, Brad Konishi CPA, to take a deep dive into HARPTA and FIRPTA issues, and the tax implications for owners and investors who sell real estate in Hawaii. Hawaii Real Property Tax Act ('HARPTA') and Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act ('FIRPTA') are always hot topics for Hawaii real property owners who are second-homes owners, mainland investors and foreigners.

The ThinkTech YouTube Playlist for this show is https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQpkwcNJny6mlvN1UofaZUZfmcdpoeEKa

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