Remember Pearl Harbor // 78 Years Later

Remember Pearl Harbor // 78 Years Later

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Publish Date:
February 27, 2023
Pearl Harbor
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Today marks the 78th Anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. We were fortunate enough to bring 5 survivors back, so they can pay respects to those that died, and be honored by those that live.

Today, while on the memorial for the USS Arizona, Stu Hedley and Donald Long threw flowers petals into the sea, in honor of their friends that died that day. Stu recalls the moment when the Arizona was hit. He was looking right at it when “Bang! Down went the Arizona”. He said he saw about 30 bodies fly into the air. An almost unimaginable nightmare to witness at the young age of 22. Returning now at the age of 98 is something he never thought he would be able to do. But, he is so grateful that he was able to.

It is through generous donations, by people like you, that we are able to take these amazing men back, and give them the closure and honor that they so deserve. Thank you so much to those who have supported us so far, and to those who are considering, giving these men this chance to return impacts their lives beyond words. And through telling their stories, we hope to impact the world.

“Taking care of the ones who took care of us”

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