Pearl Harbor remembrance in Waco: Doris Miller relatives call for Medal of Honor letter-writing

Pearl Harbor remembrance in Waco: Doris Miller relatives call for Medal of Honor letter-writing

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Publish Date:
December 12, 2023
Pearl Harbor
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At Waco’s Pearl Harbor Day remembrance ceremony Thursday, Doris Miller’s family members called for a letter-writing campaign to President Joe Biden to encourage the Medal of Honor for their “Uncle Dorie.”

Around 200 to 300 people, including city dignitaries, Miller family members and veterans from across Texas and as far away as Brooklyn, New York, attended the local ceremony remembering Doris Miller and Pearl Harbor Day.

Cultural Arts of Waco Director Doreen Ravenscroft, a driving force behind the Doris Miller Memorial unveiled in 2018, read from a letter by Doris Miller’s eldest surviving niece, Desare Ray Allen, asking people to write letters to Biden.

“‘The request for Seaman Miller to receive the Medal of Honor is at the highest levels of government and we encourage all our friends and family to write letters to the president asking that Doris Miller be awarded the Medal of Honor,’” Ravenscorft read.

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