Matt Gaetz In BIG Trouble As House Republicans Expand Investigation

Matt Gaetz In BIG Trouble As House Republicans Expand Investigation

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Publish Date:
November 28, 2023
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Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz doesn't have many friends left in Washington, D.C., and he's finding out that being the lone wolf isn't the best path to survival. A new report says that the House Ethics Committee - controlled by Republicans - has now expanded its investigation into Matt Gaetz, including looking into whether or not he was sharing lewd photos of women he'd slept with with members on the House floor. Gaetz is also suffering from a popularity problem back home, creating a perfect storm to kick him out of office. Farron Cousins explains what's happening.

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A new report came out in the Daily Beast this week talking about Matt Gaetz's increasing problems in the House of Representatives. And they're actually much worse than anybody had previously thought. Not only does the Daily Beast suggest that the investigation with the House Ethics Committee being run by Republicans, by the way into Matt Gaetz, uh, is getting bigger and broader, but Matt Gaetz also appears to be universally hated, not just in the halls of Congress, but apparently also back home in the state of Florida. So there's a lot to unpack in everything I just said. So let's start at the beginning. Matt Gaetz in Congress, right? According to the report, you've got tons of Republicans in the House of Representatives that are still led by Kevin McCarthy. Just off that Matt Gaetz caused all of this drama this year for apparently no other reason than Matt Gaetz loves to cause drama.

So you now have all these Republican members of Congress that just loathe Matt Gaetz. Here's a couple of quotes from the Daily Beast piece. The first one is there aren't a lot of people who you know are gonna go out of their way to defend Matt Gaetz. I mean, he's a pretty diabolical character. Now that Lawmaker was not named, but we do have a quote from Republican representative Don Bacon of Nebraska who said the anger is pretty well with him. I, I just think there will be long memories because he did serious damage to our House conference recently, going on to the second point, during an interview with Fox News, Kevin McCarthy actually suggested that the investigation into Matt Gaetz has, has grown and gotten broader. He said, quote, once that ethics complaint comes forward, he could have the same problem as Santos and I think the conference would probably be better united to move forward and get this all done. And he said that the party won't heal if there's no consequences for his actions.

So he goes on to say that the investigation is broad, and specifically one of the things the House Ethics Committee is looking into is whether or not Matt Gaetz was sitting there, you know, showing off photos of women that he had relations with to fellow colleagues in the house. You know, is he just showing like, Hey, look, here's a picture of this nice woman. Is her Facebook profile or was he showing pictures from the act? Was he showing lewd photographs of these women? I don't know. But the committee apparently heard from enough members that Gates was showing some pictures that now it's a thing, and it's apparently a pretty big part of that investigation. So could this lead to a Santos like situation where Matt Gaetz, after a damning ethics report comes out, they vote

To expel him? Uh, it seems a little farfetched to me, right? I mean, after all, Matt Gaetz did survive that Department of Justice investigation. They didn't bring any charges against him. Unlike, of course, Santos who is facing criminal charges. So just a bad Apple report from the House Ethics Committee. I don't think that's going to be enough to get enough members to vote to kick Matt Gats out of Congress, even if they are still mad about what he did to Kevin McCarthy. So I don't think that Matt Gaetz is going to end up losing his seat, just 'cause everybody's at him. And this investigation could show that he's a scumbag. You're unfortunately allowed to be a scumbag. It's when it crosses that line into criminal activity that you have a problem. And the DOJ apparently didn't see enough there, apparently. Uh, so, you know, I don't think he's gonna get kicked out, but even if he doesn't, he's got a problem because Matt Gaetz has of course been rumored to be one of the people that might be running for governor here in the state of Florida since Ron DeSantis will be term limited.