It shocked the west! China just released a big plan to achieve sci tech self reliance

It shocked the west! China just released a big plan to achieve sci tech self reliance

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Today, I am going to tell you something that you will never see anywhere else. Earth-shattering things often happen in ordinary days. December 7, 1941, was just an ordinary Sunday for Americans at the time. But since that day, the pattern of the world has undergone earth-shaking changes- Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, and the United States was immediately involved in World War II, which led to the establishment of the United Nations and the subsequent Cold War.

Tracing back to the origin of today's world pattern, the sweltering weekend on Oahu, Hawaii was an unavoidable time node. Perhaps many years later, when people start to talk about the history of China's technological development, they may not be able to avoid March 7, 2023. At about 4 pm on March 7, 2023, Xinhua News Agency reported a news: China will re-establish the Ministry of Science and Technology. OK, you must be confused, why is this matter so important?

Combined with the current international situation, you will know the answer. The original timetable for China's scientific and technological development is still too conservative. Obviously, China will press the accelerator button on the breakthrough process of key science and technology. In my opinion, China's re-establishment of the Ministry of Science and Technology may mean that China is starting to take the development of science and technology seriously, and may even start a unique skill of a new nationwide system as a must-have. If all goes well, perhaps in the next few years, we will be lucky to see a blowout Chinese technology explosion.

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